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Sunday, April 10, 2016

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Queen RockeT - Daddy I am Rockstar (Prod.VietnameseBeats-Instrumentals)

Queen RockeT - But Why Me (Prod. Young Native Buffalo Flimz )

Queen RockeT-Cute Swag on 100 ( Prod. BOSSA)

Queen RockeT-Cute Swag on 100 ( Prod. BOSSA)

Queen RockeT-The Sun Dont Shine NoMore (Prod.Hustle Entertainment LLC.)

Queen RockeT-Why Oh Why (Prod. Hustle Entertainment LLC.)

C-money - God please forgive my sins Ft.Queen RockeT (Prod. Chuck Beatz )

Queen RockeT - Don't Hate because I am QRT (Prod. QRT ENT )

Videos of Feb.

Queen RockeT(Pack your Ish)

Queen RockeT(Pack your Ish) from QueenAsia Rockell Solomon on Vimeo.

Pretty Girl Swag (Prod:Hustle Entertainment LLC.)

Monday, February 22, 2016

Dont Hate because I'm QRT - Queen RockeT


Queen RockeT-My Dreams


Queen RockeT - The Sky Is The Limit



Monday, January 18, 2016

Queen RockeT - I wanna Alot (Audio)

C-money - God please forgive my sins Ft.Queen RockeT

Why is My Artist name Queen RockeT

Why is My Artist name Queen RockeT

From when I was very young I never did like my name and  Asia Easter  to me at age of 3 
the name it self  i hated and always Liked the name Asia but never the last part when my name change to 
Asia Solomon the hate of  the name grown more by that time that din't want to even talk to anyone 
who refer to me as Asia or Easter/Solomon the latter on in life my family started to call me 
Shay i  hated it and would not respond to any who said my name i was with drawing my self from the world 
more and more because I wanted to be called a name my grand mother and father gave me and I would wait until they call me that to respond i had huge reaction on my face  latter on I would learn by watch a Tina Turner That voice can be use as a power and   latter Replace that Rockell for RockeT
and as  I grown more I add the word Queen To let people know that I will be heard and 
Im bloging this to you to day to tell you use your voice if you ave one for the good of it 
and speak up and speak louder than before to express your self to world around you 
It can be just one person or it can be a thousand soldiers use your voice today for better of it......
And love living the life as you and express who you are and wanna be it never to late to speak up for better of it 
from  Queen RockeT